Impacts of Solution Project's Accelerated Investments

In 2023, The Solutions Project partnered with Frontline Solutions to conduct a scan and analysis of the impact of its field-building ecosystem approach and the aggregate achievements of its grantee partners over the last three years. During this period, The Solutions Project made significant investments, infusing over $42 million in funding into the climate justice field through its core grantmaking program and the collaborative ecosystem funds it administers. As part of this assessment, The Solutions Project was also interested in understanding how their grantee partners defined impact and scale.

Top impact metrics from grantee surveys and analysis of select achievements:
  • 1M+ people receiving direct services
  • 77K community members engaged in climate justice base-building
  • 53 policy and campaign wins helping secure $350B+ in public funding for climate justice
  • 106M people across the country benefitting from just 20 of these policy wins
  • 1.15M metric tons of CO2 reduced annually from just three campaign wins in New York

Here’s what grantee partners had to say about The Solutions Project:

  • 96% of grantees view The Solutions Project as important (70% as very important) for scaling their impact
  • 90% report that The Solutions Project’s support has increased their recruitment of volunteers and supporters
  • 81% attribute their increased participation in coalition-building to The Solutions Project’s ecosystem approach
  • 77% believe The Solutions Project has enhanced their capacity to undertake solutions-focused work

Key Take-aways: 

  • The Solutions Project and their grantee partners prove that an intersectional and multi-dimensional approach to systems change leverages quantifiable climate, human, and community benefits.
  • The Solutions Project believes that its current grantmaking infrastructure can absorb significant philanthropic capital, provide a model for historic government funding to frontline communities, and take swift action to further the nationwide adoption of community-led climate justice solutions.
  • The Solutions Project and our grantees are focused on creating and implementing multi-dimensional strategies that tackle the conditions that create or keep the climate crisis in place— environmental extraction, exploitation, greed, consumerism, and colonialism—while calling out false solutions that fail to dismantle those structures.