What is Black Climate Week?

Black communities make the smallest carbon footprint, yet they face the worst of environmental degradation. This proximity to the problems means frontline communities are also at the forefront of climate solutions. Yet, they receive the least amount of support. To create equitable climate solutions, we must honor the leadership, voices, and stories of Black communities. Philanthropy MUST dismantle historical barriers & move forward with transparency, accountability, and solidarity.

With this commitment in mind, The Solutions Project created #BlackClimateWeek. Recognized during Black History Month, Black Climate Week honors the innovative climate solutions and environmental justice work that Black folk have been leading for years, while simultaneously calling in philanthropy & the media to do a better job at investing in the communities most impacted by the climate crisis and centering Black voices from the bottom up and the top down.

Now in it’s fifth year, this award-winning campaign is focused on philanthropy and its power to create the future we want by showing up in solidarity with Black communities advancing a just transition to an equitable and regenerative economy. As climate action rises in importance across all communities, a spotlight on Black leadership offers a powerful path forward..

How You Can Get Involved

This year, we want you to integrate Black Climate Week into your organization’s work. Black Climate Week is about the collective momentum of thousands of stories that inspire ongoing justice-led climate action. In order to turn the tide, it will take all of us.

Here’s some examples of things you could do.

  • Highlight Black-Led Climate Solutions: Create digital content that tells the story of Black-led climate solutions in your area.

  • Encourage Spaces for Joy and Healing: Host community-led events transform challenges into collective power. Could be online or in person. Whatever format suits your team: dinners, poetry events, music, volunteer day etc.

  • Spark National Conversations: Amplify the voices of Black climate leaders on social media. We’ll be providing inspiring content for you to share.

We will be crafting a toolkit of resources including graphics that you can adapt and use, press release templates and more.

Why is this important?

Elevating Black Leadership in Climate Recovery and Resilience

Communities across the nation are grappling with the growing impacts of climate disasters, from wildfires to hurricanes. Recovery efforts require a united approach, with diverse leadership driving innovative and equitable solutions. Black leaders have consistently played a vital role in these efforts, contributing not only to immediate relief but also to long-term resilience and systemic change. The recent fires in Los Angeles serve as a stark reminder of the challenges we face. Black-led organizations are working alongside a broad coalition of grassroots groups, advocates, and policymakers to ensure recovery efforts are inclusive, equitable, and community centered.


    • In 2020, only 0.5% of philanthropy dollars went to environmental justice organizations. That’s only $25-50 million of the $471 billion that donors gave to nonprofits in 2020. That’s about how much The Nature Conservancy raises every week.
    • More than half of Black Americans live where hurricanes and floods are getting worse. They live in the South, where climate change is causing stronger hurricanes and increased flooding.
    • Black communities are more vulnerable to severe weather and floods. This is a holdover of redlining and housing segregation.
    • Polluted air can trigger asthma, putting Black communities at higher risk. That’s because they have an almost 3 times higher chance of going to the hospital or dying from an asthma attack than whites.
    • Environmental justice communities have been led by Black, Indigenous and immigrant folks for decades. The communities have always been there, but the story hasn’t been told.
    • Climate justice is racial justice, and racial justice is climate justice. It’s communities disproportionately affected (by climate change and inequity) who will understand the problems more holistically and know how to solve them.

#BlackClimateWeek reading lists

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